Weekly Reminders @ NSUMC

Amy Domres
12 min readMar 18, 2021


Week of 09/26/2021

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Good News!

From Cindy & Rick Sayles,

Our new grandson was born at 4 AM Sept &th. Elliot Richard Bremm weighs 7.5 pounds and was 2 weeks early. We will meet him next Sunday when we arrive back in AZ.



Goooood Morning NSUMC families! The NSUMC Family Ministry team & Youth Council would like to invite you BACK to CHURCH THIS SUNDAY (9/19) for some more fun!

Photo by Taylor Heery on Unsplash

The following activities are RETURNING: 1. Sunday School for ages 3–12 during our 10AM service 2. Children & Youth choir practice during our 10AM service 3. Meet our NEW Youth Director @ the youth house @ 11am a. Parents and youth are INVITED! 4. Reserve your parking spot for TRUNK or TREAT (Sunday, 10/31, 4–5pm). Register today by replying to this email, sign-up in the lobby on Sunday, carey@nsumc.com or 480–948–0529. 40 trunks are needed! Please consider sharing NSUMC hospitality with the community! See you Sunday!

Welcome Mia!

Photo by Natural Goods Berlin on Unsplash

Sunday Sept. 19th right after 2nd Service, 11AM join us on the patio for some snacks and to meet Mia Cox our new Youth Program Coordinator. She and her family will be present, and will be able to answer questions about upcoming events and share her vision for our youth at NSUMC. She is excited to collaborate with many of the other wonderful ministries happening at our church, and she will make available a calendar of events for parents for the school year.
​Please bring your family-especially your Jr High or H.S. student- and see what will be happening this year in NSUMC youth.


COMING UP For Youth:


4 Service Project CarePortal Collab- 4–6 PM (only 3 Spots)

16 8AM-11AM — St Vincent De Paul Mesa Garden (Meet at church at 7:15AM)

24 Pumpkin Carving

30 Halloween Party 7–10PM

31 Volunteer at Trunk or Treat 2–6PM (Decorate Mia’s car!)


1 Service Project CarePortal Collab- 4–6 PM (only 3 Spots)

13 Community Service Project 11AM-4PM

20 Friendsgiving Dinner 6:30PM -8:30PM



11 8AM-6PM (2–3 hour shifts) Babysitting Fundraiser (Collab with Family ministry)

12 Volunteer Angel Tree

18 Volunteer Live Nativity 7–8PM

18–19 8:30PM-8:00AM Lock-in Christmas Party & Gift Exchange

19 NO YOUTH (Lock-in ends at 8:00AM)

22 Caroling & Cocoa Collab with Creative Connections. Evening Time TBD

31–1/1 New Years Eve Party FORMAL 8PM-12:30

From UMW


This Sunday September 12th is UMW Sunday. Please come and hear Pastor Leah who will be doing the services and giving the sermon. Those that prefer may watch on ZOOM. Our members will be handling the usher and greeter jobs. We will be passing out our World Thank Cups for all church members to take home and fill with their loose change for a week and bring back a week or two later. We also will be handing out our new brochure for the year with all of our events and meetings. We have been busy in the kitchen starting to make our jam. We will pull out a cart with some of the jam if you can’t wait until Palm Sunday next year to purchase them! We still sell them at the low price of $6 each.

Our first Dinner Out for the year is this coming Monday September 13th at 5:30 at California Pizza Kitchen. The location is at Scottsdale Road and Gold Dust. Please let me know if you would like to join us.

We have our first Unit Meeting scheduled for Sunday, September 26th in Fellowship Hall, immediately after second service. UMW is providing lunches from Jason’s Deli. I will need to have a head count to see how many boxed lunches to order. We will be kicking off our Operation Christrmas Child Shoe Boxes. You may pick boxes up at our meeting or if you prefer we will do the shopping for you. The cost is $29 per box. This does include the shipping. You may send in your check any time. Please let me know and I will email you my address. My email is cindybryant@cox.net or you may call me at 602–900–5512.

I look forward to seeing some of you on Sunday.




The Epistle of James gives us a chance to reflect on the nature of Christian service and how we can continue our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by engaging with our wider community in acts of service. James asks us to maintain an outward focus as we gather for worship and seek to be doers of the word.

September 19 — Conflict Transformation

Theme: Conflict

James 3:13–4:3 NRSV

This text is full of ethical or moral advice. Do this and stop doing that. The danger is that it can come across as another self-improvement process that is likely to end in failure and frustration. Therefore, we are called to draw close to God that allows us to draw closer to others. It is in this space we discover peace with each other.

September 26 — Can You Hear Me Now?

Theme: Prayer

James 5:13–20 NRSV

Prayer and praying can be a struggle for the believer. Prayer is a way of coming in tune with the Divine around us. Prayer is not a list of demands in which we expect some rate of return. Rather, prayer extends a means center into a means of faith that is before us.

This weeks Bulletin

Click Here to open.


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

There is a lovely family in Glendale where Grandma has been caring for her two grandchildren, 6-year-old “Mary” and 2-year-old “Mark.” This is not what Grandma planned to be doing at this point in her life, but the kiddos were not safe with their parents, and Grandma didn’t want them sent to strangers. So, for the past year Grandma, with her big heart and small budget, has been taking care of both children. “Mark” needed a toddler bed because he had outgrown his crib, and Mary needed sheets for her twin bed. With school starting both kiddos needed clothes, and there is the ongoing need for diapers and wipes.

Thanks to your contributions to our CarePortal ministry, we had the resources to meet these needs. The dynamic duo of Johnny (Have Truck Will Travel) and Julie delivered those items to the family. Grandma said both children are relaxing and enjoying their new beds, with “Mary” relaxing on her happy unicorn sheets and “Mark” playing in his “Paw Patrol” bed. Each child got a big bag of clothes, which were especially appreciated by the mini fashionista. Grandma was thankful for the diapers and wipes. What a blessing it is to serve a struggling family.

CarePortal is a website that connects child welfare workers at the state Department of Child Safety (DCS) with churches like this one who care about children and want to help. It works like this: The DCS worker posts a Request on CarePortal on behalf of a child/family under the care of the state with a summary of the circumstances. Most of the CarePortal Requests pertain to kinship placements rather than placements in licensed foster homes. Even with kinship placements, though, the state insists on certain standards, or the children will be removed from the home. Many kinship placements, like Glendale Grandma, lack the resources to meet those standards. CarePortal allows us to connect with a struggling family, get to know them a bit and encourage them in their struggles by providing them with some necessities.

Interested in helping with our CarePortal Ministry by wisely shopping with CarePortal funds, delivering needed items to families in the valley or making a financial contribution? To learn more about CarePortal and how you can participate Contact Karen Coatsworth (jscoatsworth@cox.net 480–695–1855) or Johnny Ware (jbware@aol.com 602–762–6424) or speak to anyone on the Missions Committee. Your financial gift to this vital ministry can be made directly at https://www.nsumc.com/donate.html. Select “CarePortal” under the fund tab.

Thank you for your generosity which helps stories like the CarePortal, and so many others, happen through the ministries and mission of North Scottsdale UMC.


Hi all! We had a great Kick-off party last weekend! Thanks to all of you who joined us!

For the next two weeks (8/29 and 9/5), we will meet at the church at 11 am. Due to the long weekend, we’d appreciate an RSVP to youth@nsumc.com if you are attending either date.

Remember that 9/12 is the Sunday School Kick off! We need YOUTH VOLUNTEERS to help blow up balloon animals (Don’t worry — we’ll teach you!!). There will be a pretzel food truck for you to participate in and the blessing of the backpacks.We hope you’ll join us!


Mia Cox & the Youth Committee

applt@ https://www.indeed.com/job/youth-coordinator-1c356b979bfe3c4f

Photo by MedicAlert UK on Unsplash

Open Position — Office Receptionist

North Scottsdale UMC is looking for a part-time receptionist to work Monday-Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm.

The job duties include answering phones, greeting visitors, overseeing the general office email account, and assisting with various communication projects. Computer skills need to include a familiarity with Microsoft Office (Excel/Word/PowerPoint), database management and basic website design.

If you are interested in applying for the job or have any questions, please call Shellee at the Church office at 480–948–0529 or email Shellee@nsumc.com.

Brown Bag Bookies

Is out for the summer but we are still hosting Wednesday morning book studies. Find more info below!


Thank you to the following volunteers for creating an exciting and action packed VBS for the campers last week! At “Adventure Island” kids discovered five mysterious Infinity Lanterns to help light their way through life. They learned how God’s light can shine through them. This day camp offered energizing videos, interactive bible puppetry, super science experiments, creative crafts, hands-on mission work, and active games that were out-of-this-world!

If you see one of these amazing volunteers, please thank them for sharing their time and talents!

Janet Flournoy, Bev Blew, Wavalee McArtor, Barb Cogan, Melissa Koepke, Keegan Koepke, Pastor Leah, Bob Bergstrom, Laura Bergstrom, Hannah Mitchell, Gavin Maldonado, Joyce Nolan, Lindsey and Kristen Vieth, Carey Johnson, Shelle Snoke, Pastor David, Betsy Sobraske, Tom Weaver, Carey Domres, Gavin Maldonado, Brady Sobraske, Olivia Johnson, Logan Anderson,

Thank you to those who were able to donate to our VBS mission project. We still have one more week to donate if you would like to help! <<DONATE HERE>>>

Prayer requests and Gone To Glory

Photo by Pedro Dias on Unsplash

From Dee Dee,

Can you pray for Khadijah Harden that all strongholds and ungodly soul-ties be broken forever out of her life but most all that she come into salvation.

From Dinah Bahlman

Prayers requested for a dear friend and her family for the loss of their daughter/niece/cousin who committed suicide last week.


Please, could you assist me to pray for the intercession of the Holy Spirit in all the actions of Marcos de Souza Lima and Michele Rios, that all the actions of Marcos de Souza Lima and Michele Rios, be reversed and blessed and transformed into good things! May Blessed and Protected be my dear Fatima Rodriguez with all discernment of the Lord, that Blessed and Protected be my Job and my Life. May the Lord intercede in this situation for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ, amen. Thank you!

From James-

Please pray for me. I am more depressed and frightened than I have ever been before. I am being sued in federal court for an accident that was not my fault.

Dustin kleffner-

Pray for my friend Chris to apologize to me. And pray for Torrington and rexen to apologize to me. And pray for the fish food Bank to apologize to me. All these persons wronged me. And pray for Bob an nate to get along. Pray for Chris to be able to pay off his van

Patty Hastings- Aunt Betty Daniel (dad’s sis) has COPD and got COVID

Alice Wagaman-

Please pray for my older sister Nikki in Louisville KY. She is in the hospital with Covid. She was not vaccinated and has Covid Pneumonia as well as couple of other problems. She is on medication but the nurse says the next 2 days will be critical. Also pray for her son George. He is in Quarantine for 14 days

follow us on our Instagram with just a click ( @n.scottsdaleumc ) or by scanning the box below with your phone camera and clicking the link that appears.

Also, follow and tweet us on our new Twitter account here @NsumcC

Feeling a little Isolated? We hope you can make it to some of these fun and free events! Bring a friend. All are welcome.

All events are free. Donations are appreciated

Text GIVE to 480–690–2442

Zoom Fellowship

You can view worship and join in Zoom Fellowship on our website.

…Immediately following the service we will open up our zoom room for fellowship time.

See you Sunday!

Busy this Sunday?

View previous services.

On our YouTube channel by clicking Here

On our website at NSUMC.com

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Opportunities to Serve at NSUMC

As members of NSUMC we promise to provide our support with our time and talents. Understanding how we serve can take on a host of meaning with opportunities. Currently, we have openings on the following ministry teams that function to care for the mission and ministry of NSUMC. Prayerfully consider serving 1–3 years. Contact the church office at 480–948–0529 or email Pastor David at drennick@nsumc.com.

Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development

(Meets toward the end of year to discern members to serve on committees and ministry teams.)


(Meet most months with a summer break and provide oversite of the church facilities and property.)

Family Ministry (Formerly: Education Committee)

(Nurtures the spiritual development of all ages.)

Fellowship Committee

(Provides opportunities for building community and connection.)


(Becomes a means of invitation to welcome persons into the life of the church and to provide ongoing nurturing in among the congregation.)


Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

Worship 11:00–12:30 Youth Group Join Youth Group Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88005683790?pwd=VVQzMEhsUS9TUlRkeC9GL2x2ZGx2dz09

Meeting ID: 880 0568 3790 Passcode: NSUMC

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)

When disaster strikes a community and whenever this is a need, the United Methodist Church is often the first on the ground to help provide relief. To learn more about the work of UMCOR and how your gifts are used at 100% to fund projects over personnel go to www.umcmission.org. Current contributions that are of a critical need include disaster relief, helping to overcome the Coronavirus in other countries, and in areas where there is a great need. Your generosity can also be sent through NUSMC when your gift is marked “UMCOR.”




Congregational Care Note:

If you or someone you know is ill or in the hospital, especially during this

COVID-19 crisis, please contact Pastor

Leah (pastorleah@nsumc.com or 412–496- 3821) or call and leave a message on the

church office phone number at 480–948- 0529.

If you want to contact the pastors or to let them know of a surgery or a hospital stay, or if you want prayer or a pastoral call, you can contact them at: Pastor David Rennick: drennick@nsumc.com Phone: 602–509–3442 Pastor of Visitation: Leah Bergstrom: pastorleah@nsumc.com Phone: 412–496–3821 You can also contact the church administrative staff at 480–948–0529 or office@nsumc.com












































































































